Monday, May 29, 2017

What Not to Say in An Interview

Whether you have been on 100 interviews, or only a handful, there are certain things you should never talk about personally, at an interview.  While it is true that hiring managers and recruiters are limited to what they can ask, they still are looking for candidates that are truthful and open.

It is important that you understand what questions can be asked during your interview.  It is equally important to know these common things hiring managers want to know, can’t ask, but expect you to tell them:
  • While a hiring manager or recruiter may ask you about your family, marital status, or starting a family, do not overshare this information.  It is best to answer the question with honesty, but not divulge every detail.  For example, when asked "Do you plan to have a family?", you can say yes, but do not divulge when you plan on starting that family.  
  • Answering questions regarding what profession your spouse is in can be tricky as well, especially if you have a military spouse or one that travels.  The hiring manager will hear you will be moving and may pass on you for the job.  It is best to provide what the spouse does – a mechanic – and leave it at that.
  • Make sure you never, never imply or give information to a hiring manager or recruiter that says you are in financial turmoil and need to work.  Keep all of your financial information to yourself and focus on your enthusiasm for the job itself. 
While there may be more common questions you should not overshare in your answering, these can cause the most damage during your interview.  It is important that you are genuine and honest in your answers, however, there are certain things you just should not share during an interview. 

Make sure you know what questions can be asked legally, and do not overshare! 

Copyright: sylv1rob1 / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, May 22, 2017

Proving You Fit Their Culture

In today’s job market, job candidates are looking at company’s closely, as to the culture and whether they will fit in.  However, as a job candidate, you should be aware – companies are doing the same!  A cultural fit is now important to both parties, and just as you are evaluating and inspecting their culture, they are looking to see if you will be a good fit for them.

Now, in addition to submitting a killer resume, and acing the interview, you must demonstrate to the hiring manager or recruiter, that you will fit in with their current culture.  Here are a few tips on how you can prove you will fit their culture:
  • In order to prove you fit in, you first must understand their culture.  Do your research on the company.  You can tell a company culture by viewing their job descriptions, viewing their social media posts, reading their employee quotes, photos, and videos.
  • Take the time to talk to current and former employees of the company.  This may be done via social media or in person.  Building a relationship with these employees will help you understand the company and its unique culture.
  • During your interview session, make sure that your answers provide details that relate to their culture and how you will fit in.  For example, demonstrate through a specific example of your past work, how you valued and cultured leadership.
  • The most important way to demonstrate your fit in their culture, is to ask compelling questions during your interview.   Show that you have a passion and curiosity for their culture and company as a whole.  Refer to their mission statement and how you support it, etc.
Looking at a company’s culture is important to you – however, remember that the company is going to look at you as well.  Both sides must be a good fit for the culture!

Copyright: iqoncept / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, May 15, 2017

Performance Management – Right Now

Performance management and performance reviews have been in existence for a long time, yet, today when asked, almost every business or employee will tell you they hate them.  Does this mean that they are doomed – headed out the door, never to return?

Performance management will never entirely go away.  The fact is, it is evolving just as hiring is evolving to accommodate the newer generation of workers.  Instead of the usual annual reviews (everyone hates), it is changing to a right now philosophy.  Job candidates today are asking hiring managers and recruiters before even interview what their performance management practices include.  This is one of their deciding factors to accepting a position.

Here are a few things you need to know about performance management and how it relates to your hiring practices:
  • The current job candidates want to know on an ongoing basis how they are performing – not once a year.  Therefore, you must have a performance management program that provides feedback immediately and consistently.  There are many online programs that can help with providing feedback electronically, which the millennials love, but nothing is better than conversing with your employees regularly.
  • Many of the older reviews were rule-based and had lots of criteria that had nothing to do with performance.  Employees and job candidates hate this type of review, as it offers them nothing about how they are doing personally.  Make your new program employee centered.  Offer them constructive feedback and do not forget to boost a job well done!
  • The newer generation of job candidates and workers want to excel in their positions and “climb the ladder.”  They find it difficult to improve and progress without immediate feedback, therefore, they are expecting to have feedback faster.
As the workforce changes, so too will your hiring process and your performance management process.  Job candidates and employees today are looking for companies that provide them coaching, mentoring, and instant feedback.  Will you make the cut?
Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, May 8, 2017

Are You Feeling Burned Out?

Are you feeling burned out from all of your job searching?  You are not alone.  Recent studies have indicated that more than 65% of the candidates searching for jobs are tired, uninterested, and burned out, from the experience. 

It is no secret that many candidates get overwhelmed and tired when searching for a new job.  You may be burned out and simply do not even know it – this is a problem, as it can prevent you from finding that perfect job.  Do you lack energy?  Do you feel frantic and that you should just take whatever job comes along first?  Are you having a hard time managing your emotions?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are probably burned out. 

The good news is – you can re-energize yourself and your job search.  Here are some ways to do so: 

  • First, stop denying that you are burned out.  You must acknowledge and accept the fact, so you can take the necessary steps to move past it. 
  • Share the fact that you are burned out with those around you – family, friends, and your mentor (if you have one).  Allow these people to support you and help you.  It is difficult for many to share their struggles, but when you are able to do so, you will experience great support and sense of relief. 
  • Now that you have acknowledged you are burned out and have told those around you, it is time to take a step back.  Observe what you have done over the last several months.  What has worked, what has not, and are your goals still the same?  Take your time evaluating and making a new plan.  Do not start on the new plan right away, and do not stress over making the new plan.  The goal is to look at what has been done objectively. 
  • Take some time for yourself.  Whether this is a walk on the beach, sitting in the shade and reading a good book, or just sitting and watching tv, you must relax and unwind. 

Typically, there is an imbalance in your life when you get burned out.  It is important to take a deep breath and try some of the tips above.  Once you have cleared your head, your job search will become clear again.

Copyright: auremar / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, May 1, 2017

Facing Technology Industry Challenges

While many industries face challenges in their hiring needs, none compare to the technology industry.  Technology seems to change overnight, which can cause a host of challenges for companies trying to stay on top of shifting trends.  Recruitment and hiring of top talent can be difficult, with many hiring managers unable to fill positions. 

When you understand and face technology industry challenges, head on, you will be able to overcome some of the common obstacles in hiring great talent.  Here are a few of the most common challenges seen today and how you can overcome them: 

  • Diversity in the technology industry is a significant problem.  While this industry has been predominately male, there is a shortage of skilled candidates in both genders.  Many companies are actively trying to add more female candidates and workers to the mix, by proactively seeking out females with an interest in technology.  Include information on your company blog post, social media platforms, and hold networking events that cater to the female gender.  Support and dedicate more resources to building this talent pool. 
  • Many companies today have found that by offering internships, they not only are shaping top talent, but they have a hand in furthering technology as a whole.  There are many candidates that would be a great fit in the technology industry, however, they need further training.  Consider adding an internship program in your company and watch your talent pool grow. 
  • Salary and benefit packages for technology based candidates typically change often, due to the demanding field and its constant change.  It is to your benefit to make sure that you are competitive in the market and offer what these candidates are looking for.  This means you will need to understand their needs, whether that be flexible schedules, working from home, or additional training. 

Regardless of how the technology industry continues to change, you must be aware of the challenges that face hiring managers and recruiters.  Staying current on the trends will help you attract, hire, and retain top talent.

Copyright: limonzest / 123RF Stock Photo