Monday, January 29, 2018

Job Search Tips for 2018

Whether you have been out of the job search scene for a while, or have been at it for months, every year candidates scratch their head and wonder what the next search tips will be.  When you consider the steps taken to search for the perfect job just ten years ago, it is very different from today.  In keeping with the yearly tradition, here are the top job search tips for 2018:
  • It is no secret that technology is king in today’s job world, but do not overestimate it.  While many companies are moving toward more tech positions, there seem to be no short supply of candidates that have been waiting in the wings, waiting for their chance.  Use caution if you are in this industry.
  • Thinking outside the box is going to be key in 2018.  It will be even more important to volunteer and learn new skill sets, which will allow you to wow your boss, and hiring managers.  Companies will be looking to foster their company culture, including giving back to the community.  Something that will become prevalent in 2018.
  • As always it will continue to be important to stay engaged through networking, training, and even consulting.  What could set you apart, is that you breathe this life into your resume and have it readily available on your smartphone.  Be prepared at all times!
  • Take social media seriously!  You may have dabbled with social media in the past, but this year it will become the center of job searches.  Realizing that hiring managers are researching you on social media will open new doors for you.  Use it to showcase your strengths and why companies should hire you.
Searching for a job in 2018 will most likely be just like every other year, however, these tips may give you an edge over the competition.  Be aware as the job search scene changes!

Copyright: alphaspirit / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, January 22, 2018

Attracting Top Talent

As you begin looking at your recruiting strategies for 2018, it may be time to take a step back and look at not only your strategy, but your company culture and how it can attract top talent for you.  Many companies over the last couple of years have found that by focusing on company culture, they have unleashed a recruiting beast.

Attracting top talent is often thought to be impossible by many companies, however, by evaluating your culture, you may find you have more top candidates than you know what to do with.  Here are just a few things to consider when looking to attract top talent in 2018:
  • Your mission is critical to attracting talent.  When was the last time you reviewed your mission statement?  Does your mission still clearly state what you and the company stand for?  It is important that your mission excite others, yet provide enough information that top candidates will understand clearly what you stand for – and in turn, what they stand for.
  • It is important that your company culture invest in the current employees.  While there are dozens of ways you can do this, and they may be unique to your company, it is critical to take the time to develop a culture that puts employees front and center (while still achieving the company goals and mission).
  • The number one mistake many companies make is not bringing the company culture in the normal everyday processes.  Every process impacts at least one employee; therefore, it stands to reason that the culture you are trying to cultivate be infused with those processes.
Today’s candidates are looking for more than just a “job,” they are looking for companies that provide opportunity and a sense of belonging.  Your company culture is truly impactful in more ways than you realize, with attracting top talent at the top of the list!

Copyright: mnsanthoshkumar / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, January 15, 2018

Perfect Your Executive Presence

Are you searching for the perfect executive position?  Whether you have been an executive in the past, or are working your way up the corporate ladder to an executive position, you must perfect your executive presence! 

This is more than how you produce and how you carry yourself in your job, it is often said that it is a combination of the following traits:
  • Composure – it is important that you can show you have composure and can remain calm at all times.  How do you handle pressure of a deadline, or the yelling from a disgruntled employee?  Staying calm and collected is a trait that every executive must have!
  • Connection – are you able to connect with others?  This quality is often overlooked, but one of the most important in solidifying relations with other staff members.  It is important that you are able to connect with others, understand, and convey your message to them.
  • Charisma – often considered frivolous, charisma is a trait that is often used during networking and closing deals.  You have heard the saying, “charisma goes a long way.”  Do not overlook this important trait!
  • Confidence – being confident in your work is important, but be careful you do not go too far with it.  You must find the balance where confidence is present, however, show that you are not afraid to admit when you are wrong. 
  • Credibility – you can build your credibility over time.  As you progress through your career, you will have many opportunities to show your credibility.  Remember that every action you take will affect this.
  • Clarity – many executives lack clarity, which is why they lose their way.  It is important that you remain clear about your goals, the goals of the company, and those around you. 
  • Consciousness – being aware of all that goes on around you is difficult, but a good executive is always in the know.  Take the time to listen and remain conscious about others.
While you may feel that many of these qualities and traits are superficial, they will be viewed as part of your executive presence and can either help or hurt you in getting that executive position.

Copyright: edhar / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, January 8, 2018

Beware of the Bad Hire

One of the costliest mistakes for companies in 2017 was making a bad hire.  While every hiring manager does everything in their power to beware of the bad hire and stay clear of it, it can happen.  The cost of a bad hire to you can be in the thousands, or even in the millions.  It is important as you begin the new year that you look at your hiring process for flaws or areas where you may not catch a potential bad hire. 

Here is what you need to know about bad hires:
  • Theft and Fraud – this is an area that every company and hiring manager tries to prevent in their hiring.  However, it is difficult to prevent.  More than 40% of lost revenue by companies can be contributed to employee theft, yet few companies realize they have a problem. 
  • Customer Service – in today’s age of sharing everything on social media, it is critical that your customer service be top par.  Employees that cause a bad customer experience, typically continue this behavior, costing you customers.  Customers today are quick to post their bad experience and tell others – which could cost you thousands of dollars in sales and business.
  • Low Productivity – one the most common signs of a bad hire is productivity issues.  If you continually see low productivity in an employee, it may be time to remove that employee.  Do your research and get to the bottom of the productivity problems.
  • Workplace Stress – typically a bad hire will cause lots of internal problems among other employees.  Whether it is gossiping, constant complaining, or causing undue stress, this hire is often thought of as toxic to the culture of the company.
The cost of replacing a bad hire can be expensive, however, if you look at your hiring process, you should be able to weed out the majority of your bad hires in advance, saving you lots of time and money.

Copyright: fizkes / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, January 1, 2018

Defining Your Career in 2018

As 2018 begins, many people sit and make their new year’s resolutions.  One of the most common resolutions is in regard to career and getting the job of your dreams.  No matter whether you are working or currently searching for work, defining your career in 2018 is a good idea.

Avoid some of the confusion and frustration many experience in their career path, and follow some of these tips to help you find the career you were meant to be in:
  • As you start to evaluate your past career life and think about your future career path, take the time to define what you are passionate about.  Your ideal career should be in something that makes you want to get up every day, feel good about yourself and what you are doing!
  • Once you determine what you are passionate about, you can then look at the skills required for that career path.  Will you need some new skills, brush up on the skills you have, or learn a completely new field?  Make a list of what will be required for you to move into this new path.
  • Now that you understand what skills are needed for the job and what you will need to do personally to work in the field, you should do some research to see what the field is like.  Are there enough available jobs in this field, is the pay enough for you to live on, and will the culture fit your lifestyle?
As you look at your future career in 2018, it is important that you take the time to understand what is really important to you and what is needed to live the lifestyle you dream of.  This will allow you to identify and define the career you are meant to be in, and help you make the first steps in moving towards that dream career.

Copyright: christianchan / 123RF Stock Photo