Monday, June 26, 2017

Get Out During Your Job Search

Searching for a job can be stressful.  Whether you are just starting a job search or have been at it for a while, it is important that you get out while you are job searching.  Too often, it is easy to get caught up in the daily grind, instead of concentrating on what is important – finding a job.  Here are a few tips to help you relieve some stress and get out to make the most of your job search:
  • One of the most important things you can do during your job search is to get out and mingle where other people are.  This could be going to a library, seminar, coffee shop, or any other place where you can meet new people.  Not only does getting out and meeting new people help you in your job search, but it will help combat loneliness you may be feeling.
  • It is no secret that exercise releases endorphins that have shown to help combat stress.  Get out and take a walk, go to the gym, or join an exercise class.  Not only will help relieve some stress, but you might meet some new contacts as well.
  • Keep your skills current, and maybe even learn some new ones.  You can join a class, take a seminar, or even get some one-on-one training.  This will get you out of the house, help keep your skills fresh and updated, and again, meet new people.
  • Consider volunteering as you search for your next job.  There are many places and ways you can volunteer your time, talents, and skills.  In addition, this is something you can add to your resume.  Many hiring managers look for candidates that volunteer and show a sense of community.
  • Attend some networking meetings in your industry, or perhaps another industry you might wish to cross over to.  Not only will you meet some great contacts, but you will get to converse with other professionals.
As you can see from the tips listed here, the one commonality among these – meet new people!  You never know when you will meet someone that can help you find your next job.  So, get out there while you search for your next job.

Copyright: leaf / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, June 19, 2017

Are Assessments Right for You?

Many hiring managers have had great success in using assessments to determine which candidate would be best for the job, however, some have not been so fortunate.  Hiring assessments can be difficult to use, provide you with false information, and can be costly.  So how can you determine if assessments are right for you?

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when determining whether to use assessments in your hiring process:
  • Some say that behavioral assessments have no real scientific backing, and do not really provide useful information.  However, many hiring managers have used these types of assessments to provide them insight into a candidate’s personality and values.  This type of assessment, when used appropriately, can provide you some valuable, objective information about a candidate, and help you in making your decision.
  • Many hiring managers have turned candidates off to the company because of the excessive number of assessments.  Remember, these are not the tell all in your hiring decision.  The assessments you choose must be candidate-friendly, and align with the position they are applying.  For example, you would not give a typing assessment to a mechanic.  Make sure you are selective in the assessments you choose for each candidate.
  • Try not to place all of your emphasis on the assessments you give candidates.  Many do not test well, and will become apprehensive when they learn they must take an assessment.  Instead, try to make them fun and less stressful, but still giving you the information you are looking for.
While assessments are not right for every business or every hiring manager, they can sometimes be useful.  Determine whether they will be beneficial for you in your candidate search, and do your research on the best ones to use.  Remember, they are not the end all answer you seek in your hiring, but can provide you some helpful insight to a candidate.

Copyright: convisum / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, June 12, 2017

Job Search Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you are new to the job search scene or have been at it for a while, you know that searching for a job is significantly different than in years past.  Rather than beating your head against the wall, here are some of the most common job search mistakes you should avoid at all costs:
  • Today, you must have a strategy on how you will search for your new job.  You cannot just apply for jobs, willy nilly, and expect to get results.  Before you begin your search, determine how you will approach it – will you use job boards to find potential jobs, will you use your network, or will you rely solely on social media.  Whatever you decide, you should write down your plan and follow it daily, making adjustments as needed.
  • When was the last time you looked at your resume?  Perhaps it was yesterday, when you rewrote it.  Does your resume convey your personal brand?  Is it consistent with your online profiles?  Your personal brand is defined by a number of things – your resume, your online profiles, your network, your social presence and so much more.  Make sure they are all consistent and convey the message you want potential hiring managers to see.
  • Networking has become the backbone of job searches today.  If you are afraid or apprehensive about networking or asking strangers for help, you will not get very far.  One of the purposes of building a network is to get help when needed.  Do not be afraid to ask if they know anyone looking for your talents.
  • While it is not a good idea to be the “jack of all trades” when looking for a position, it is a good idea to be open to new opportunities.  Perhaps there is a unique position that will utilize your talents different than in the past.  Do not dismiss it – it could be the job of your dreams.
Do not fill your day with lame excuses of why you have not found a job.  Instead, make sure you avoid these common job search mistakes, and before you know it, you will have found the job of your dreams.

Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, June 5, 2017

Tips for Your Hiring Process

As a hiring manager, you have a difficult job most days.  You try to satisfy all the needs of your company, team members, and workers, when looking for new talent to hire. 

Depending on the type and size of your company, this can be a daunting task, with multiple departments and types of positions you must hire for.

As more and more is put on your plate, isn’t it time to streamline your hiring process and make use of some tools you have available to you?  Let’s review some helpful tips to help you with your hiring process:
  • It is a good idea to utilize the talents of management within the departments in your company.  Meet with them regularly to see how their latest hires are doing, and when they are ready to post for a new hire, make them a part of the process.  Who knows better what they need? 
  • Take the time to understand the roles that you are hiring for.  Research the skills needed for that position, what is available, and trends.  Ask questions of the department manager on the specific skills they need and want.  This will make it easier to search for the perfect hire.
  • With every position you hire for, make sure that the timeline is clear.  If the hire must be in place in two weeks because of training needs, it is important that you adjust and plan accordingly.  Communication with the department manager will help determine if more time can be given if needed.
  • Follow-up with every new hire regarding how the process was for them.  Same information should be gleaned from the department manager.  This information will help you fine tune your process for the future.
While every hiring manager will have a different style and have a unique hiring process, some of these tips will help you in streamlining your process.  Take advantage of some of these tips to help you with your busy day!

Copyright: madpixblue / 123RF Stock Photo