Monday, March 26, 2018

Real-Time Feedback

Time to face reality – recent statistics have shown that despite employees making it clear that they want real-time feedback, only 24% of employers are giving it.  And worse, 54% of companies think they are giving employees the feedback they want, but in truth are not.  It is time for companies to come to grips that the annual review is a thing of the past, and real-time feedback has taken its place.

Here are just a few reasons why you must incorporate this into your review process:
  • Motivation is the number one reason to conduct feedback in real-time.  Imagine waiting for information on how you are performing for a whole year.  During that time, you could have had information given to you to not only help your performance but give you the opportunity to advance and more.  When employees can get information immediately, it motivates them to do better and continue striving for advancement.
  • Continuous feedback creates a learning atmosphere.  This is critical to increase productivity, increase awareness, and allow employees to learn additional skills.  In addition, it can save a company thousands of dollars by correcting mistakes immediately rather than waiting for review time.
  • Every company is constantly looking for new leaders to emerge.  When you are able to provide real-time feedback, you are giving employees the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead.  This type of coaching mentality is great for grooming new leaders within your organization.
  • Employees today are looking to work for companies that have excellent communication.  Real-time feedback is an open form of communication that most candidates are not only looking for but thrive on once hired.
It is time to accept the fact that real-time feedback is the wave of the future.  If you have not embraced it, you must.  If you have been using it, perfect it.  It will help you build an incredible workforce!

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Monday, March 19, 2018

People Hire People

There are hundreds of thousands of people applying for jobs daily, and the majority of them are applying online.  You are, right? 
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Just like all the rest of the job candidates out there today, you are probably told to apply for positions by going online and completing the job application.  And, while many of the hiring managers will tell you do this, you still need to understand that people hire people.

Simply put, those hiring will tell you that you need to complete the online hiring process, because everyone must follow the same protocol.  However, that hiring manager is thinking in the back of their mind, who do I know that would be perfect for this position? 

If you only followed protocol and submitted your application online, you may never get the chance to impress the interviewer, however, if you go a little “old school” with your process, you might not only get the interview, but get the job!

It is important that you follow the hiring protocol of any positions you apply for but take it a step further.  Take the time to find a way to meet the hiring manager or recruiter.  Find a way to get your resume and cover letter in their hand – whether in person, by email, or regular mail.  Try to develop a connection with this person and show them you are the perfect person for the position.

Then when the hiring manager is thinking, do I know anyone for this position, you will come to mind.  You can do lots of research online to help you find the perfect job opportunity, and even learn everything about the company and its culture, but you must do some leg work to meet and connect with the person doing the hiring.

Remember people (the hiring manager) hire people (YOU).

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Monday, March 12, 2018

A New Approach

As the job market becomes more competitive and increasingly harder for you to find and retain great employees, many hiring managers are looking to take a new approach to the hiring process.  Adopting new ways and thinking outside the box are becoming the norm for hiring managers and recruiters alike.  It is important to understand the trends that are causing this new approach:
  • The employee relationship has become the cornerstone of not only attracting candidates but retaining hires.  The employer-employee dynamic has changed over the last decade and will continue to change.  With the use of technology and social media, candidates and employees today have the ability to build or destroy a relationship with an employer in a matter of seconds.  It is important that you build your company culture around this concept.  You must be sensitive and responsible for building this relationship that candidates and employees are thirsting for.
  • Today, employees are working longer into their senior years, which can cause your workplace to house a multigenerational workforce.  This is different than in the past, and most companies have difficulty adapting to this.  This is where your thinking outside the box will pay off!  You must find ways to accommodate the older workforce with what makes them comfortable, yet still provide the younger generation the open communication and culture they want!
  • It should come as no shock that all candidates and employees today are data driven.  They want more communication, more information, and want it immediately.  Access to data, whether it is company data, job specific data, or personal data, has traditionally been protected and only available to those in management positions.  It is key to attracting and keeping employees today that you find ways to make this data accessible!
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As the landscape of attracting, hiring, and retaining employees continues to evolve, it is important that you continue to evolve with it.  Consider a new approach for your hiring process by looking at these important trends.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Must Have Skills

As you become more serious about finding the perfect job, you will start to question everything you have been doing and wonder how you can increase your total value to hiring managers and recruiters.  What are you missing that they are searching for?  Are you missing a certain skill set?

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While there are dozens of hiring strategies out there today, most hiring managers and recruiters are looking for candidates that can make a human connection.  The three skills that seem to be lacking in today’s candidates are communication, a positive attitude, and influence.  You must have these skills – better yet, you need to master them!  Here is why:
  • Communication – most candidates have learned how to communicate but communicating effectively is a skill that must be practiced.  If you do not have the ability to communicate effectively, you will completely derail your chances of employment.  Get out and interact with others to practice your communication skills.
  • Positive Attitude – the majority of candidates today have a negative attitude.  While they may try to hide it during the hiring process, it is difficult to camouflage.  Hiring managers want candidates that are positive.  Positivity is infectious and can transform a department or company when everyone is joyful and happy.  Work on making sure you are a positive person!
  • Influence – as you know, company culture has become one of the cornerstone pieces in the hiring process.  While it is important to make sure the company culture will fit you and your lifestyle, it is equally important for the company to make sure you will fit.  They look at candidates and how they will influence the culture and existing employees.  Your ability to influence others can be the difference in you getting hired!
It is important that you recognize that there will be lots of competition along your job search journey, however, if you can master these skills, you will stand a better chance of getting that perfect job!

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