Friday, December 4, 2015

How do you put the Jeannie back in the Lamp?

The short answer is; you can’t.
I wrote in a previous post about the need to manage your Personal Branding and I was asked about things like Facebook or Pinterest or for that matter, anywhere on “the web” and should I take questionable shots down?  

Another simple answer is yes, take it down now.  As a Recruiter, I have taken candidates to a new opportunity where they were highly qualified and where the company wanted to hire them only to find a “questionable” photo out on the web and the company walked away.

In my Introduction to LinkedIn classes, I am often asked about posting things that are political or religious.  Now, I don’t want to take this blog to an ethics or morality level or even a political correctness (we have way too much of that already). 

This cautionary blog is to tell you to take down questionable posts and photos now, but know that once it is on the web, someone or some system has already captured it, but it is-what it is.  Take it down today and “sin no more”.  Beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder, but so are those expensive first impressions.

Reach out to us and we can help you with these things and get you ready to make a good first impression with your Personal Branding components.
Best Regards,                       

David (Mac) McElhaney
Managing Partner
Global Recruiters of Huntsville
102 Clinton Ave, West
Suite 201
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256-533-1444 Ext 201
Fax: 256-418-4485
Mobile: 407-341-4462