There are hundreds of thousands of people applying for jobs daily, and the majority of them are applying online. You are, right?
Just like all the rest of the job candidates out there today, you are probably told to apply for positions by going online and completing the job application. And, while many of the hiring managers will tell you do this, you still need to understand that people hire people.
Simply put, those hiring will tell you that you need to complete the online hiring process, because everyone must follow the same protocol. However, that hiring manager is thinking in the back of their mind, who do I know that would be perfect for this position?
If you only followed protocol and submitted your application online, you may never get the chance to impress the interviewer, however, if you go a little “old school” with your process, you might not only get the interview, but get the job!
It is important that you follow the hiring protocol of any positions you apply for but take it a step further. Take the time to find a way to meet the hiring manager or recruiter. Find a way to get your resume and cover letter in their hand – whether in person, by email, or regular mail. Try to develop a connection with this person and show them you are the perfect person for the position.
Then when the hiring manager is thinking, do I know anyone for this position, you will come to mind. You can do lots of research online to help you find the perfect job opportunity, and even learn everything about the company and its culture, but you must do some leg work to meet and connect with the person doing the hiring.
Remember people (the hiring manager) hire people (YOU).
Copyright: stocking / 123RF Stock Photo
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