Monday, July 9, 2018

7 Ways to Find Purpose in Your Work

Sometimes employees hit that mid-life crisis mindset when they're still young. They wonder, "What am I doing here? Is this all that I can expect out of life?" They realize that they are just another cog in the machine and don't feel like their job brings them any sort of meaning or satisfaction. Are you an employee who cannot find a sense of purpose in your work? Here are a few ways you can find meaning in your work: 
  1. Establish your core values. Determine the non-negotiable values that represent you. These values are what you want to be remembered for and what you want other people to describe you as. Do some brainstorming and consider all the core values that might fit you - innovative, compassionate, open-minded, optimistic, brave, consistent, empathetic, etc.
  2. Consider the impact you are having. Many people strive to make a difference in the world. Perhaps there is a way that you are already doing that. Is there a part of your work that helps other people or the environment? If not, can there be? Find ways to make your work have a meaningful impact on others. Make yourself happy by making others happy.
  3. Determine your goals. Find out what you want to accomplish in life and work every day towards achieving those goals. These goals don't have to be work-related, but it is always best if they can be integrated into your work life. For example, if your goal is to become a better speaker, try talking more during meetings or with your coworkers.
  4. Look forward to learning new things. Every job, no matter how enjoyable, can teach you something about yourself or the world around you. Even a job you hate might teach you a little about what you like and don't like, making it much easier to seek out a job you truly enjoy. You may also learn new skills that you can add to your resume. Every position, no matter how miserable, is ultimately a stepping stone in your amazing career.  
  5. Count your blessings. Scientists have proven time and time again that practicing gratitude helps both your happiness and health. Take a few minutes to simply ponder all the great things about your job. Maybe you're earning a decent salary and don't have to worry that much about draining your bank account. Perhaps the commute is pretty short and you don't get stuck in traffic every morning. There are plenty of things to be grateful for - your coworkers, benefits, nice desk, healthy snacks, and so on.
  6. Make friends. It's always easier to look forward to work when you have a great company of friends to be with. Having friends at work is extremely important because it not only makes you happier, it also makes you more productive and less likely to quit. Don't be afraid to chat up your coworkers or even invite them out to drinks later on.
  7. Settle for a simple legacy. Many people grow up thinking they'll be the next greatest football player, rock star, movie director, or multi-millionaire actor or actress. Can you imagine how disappointed they will be once they realize that these goals are out of reach? It's okay to have a corporate desk job. It's okay to not be rich and famous at the end of your life. Set realistic goals. Don't aim to be the next biggest celebrity. Aim to do something that makes you happy.
Most people just see their jobs as a means to an end. They wake up every Monday morning thinking, "Time to go back to the daily grind." Sure, your 9-to-5 job might not be as fun as partying with your friends, but that doesn't mean you have to dread coming into work every day. Make the most of what you have. Practice mindfulness and gratitude. You'll soon learn that your job is meaningful and fulfilling.

Copyright: tomwang / 123RF Stock Photo

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