Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Improve Employee Satisfaction

Every business owner knows that the key to successful business is happy, loyal employees.  When your employees are satisfied, they are more productive and cause less workplace turmoil, but how can you improve employee satisfaction?

Sure satisfaction can come from a raise, but it is usually short lived.  Employee contentment comes from the smaller, inexpensive things you do for your employees.  Here are some ways in which you can improve your employee satisfaction ratings:
  • Control – as humans we feel we need to have control over every aspect of our lives.  This is true within the workplace as well.  When you learn to give more control to your employees, you will find they are more content and more satisfied with their job.  Encourage your employees to take some control – customize their workstation to fit their lifestyle, allow them to set their schedules, and even allow them to create employee-driven competitions within the department.
  • Telecommute Options – many employees dread going to their jobs because of the stress created from the commute.  You may offer staggered starting and ending times to avoid rush hour, or even offer some telecommuting options.  This will help relieve some stress and make happier employees.
  • Deadlines – deadlines are another source of stress in the workplace.  Most employees will be more productive and work harder when deadlines are not so strict.  While everyone understands there needs to be deadlines, allow your employees to participate in setting the deadlines.
  • Social Connections – when employees are allowed to socialize, it creates a happier atmosphere, which in turn is more productive.  Interacting with others typically will boost their mood.  Make sure that you provide amble opportunity for social connections within the workplace, such as a gathering room where employees can have their break and interact by playing a game, or go ahead and make a big deal out of that birthday.  You might even consider starting volunteer programs that your employees can become a part of to help the community.
  • Health – everyone is looking to become healthy today.  Give your employees the tools they need to achieve a healthy lifestyle at work as well, such as a kitchen where they can prepare a healthy meal, vending machines that offer healthy snacks, breaks throughout the day, discounted gym memberships, and more.

It is possible for you to encourage an atmosphere of growth and well-being in your company.  One that your employees will appreciate and will contribute to their overall satisfaction with their job and your company.  

Copyright: iqoncept / 123RF Stock Photo

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