Monday, September 5, 2016

Engineering and Developer Positions – For Women

The engineering and developer career environment has been controlled predominantly by males for years, until today.  It is true, when you look around a workspace filled with these types of employees, you still see a sea of men, however, women are still very much involved in these positions and are becoming the sought after candidates.

For years, encouragement has been made to girls from a young age to become involved in the sciences.  Pushed to become engineers or master the computer science field.  It paid off – today, more and more women are graduating with these types of degrees and are finding that the workforce holds plenty of opportunities.

Both sectors are searching for women with degrees in both the engineering field and the computer sciences field.  The computer sciences field is in high demand currently, and because this was a field typically employed by men, women are in high demand.  Why?  Recent studies showed that more than 85% of the consumer population is women, so wouldn’t you want your products marketed towards women?  Who better to understand what women respond to than a women!

Same is true in the game programming field of computer science.  Almost 50% of the gaming population is women, however, in the past, it was a job held by men.  If you are a women with game programming capabilities, you will have your choice of where to work.

Businesses have discovered over the years that having women employed at their company creates diversity in the company culture.  These businesses have found success and have set the tone for future business generations.  What once was a hire to quiet the media, has turned into their smartest hire.  Instead of hire on the basis of equality, it is not about hiring the best talent, and today, that often means hiring a women.

Yes, getting hired in the engineering or computer sciences fields has become easier for women, but as a women you must still be aware of some challenges.  Because these fields have been saturated by males, the male culture is typically harder for a women to get used to.  Many women in these fields have found that they must be more aggressive in order to fit in.  In addition, it has been difficult to earn the respect of team members, which has caused high turnover.

The bottom line – if you are a women with a degree in engineering or computer science, the job market is yours.  Take your time and find the right fit for you.  You will find a company that will have the right culture, right wage, and right challenges, where you will thrive in your field.  Your dream job is out there and available at your fingertips.

Copyright: mindof / 123RF Stock Photo

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