Monday, August 22, 2016

Live like a Rock Star (Great Leader)

Not so long ago, the phrase on everyone’s lips was, “I want to live like a rock star.”  Today, that phrase has been replaced with, “I want to be like the great leaders.”  Why?  Because a great leader is typically very successful.  They have mastered the technique of teaching and inspiring others to be great, which equals success for them.

The best performing professionals have learned this and know how to provide guidance, confidence, and accountability to make everyone around them succeed.  So what do these great leaders do differently?  Here is a look at some of the basic characteristics of great leaders – perhaps you will want to incorporate some of these ideas into your life:
  • Great leaders always face the facts and accept them for what they are – pieces of information that will help them make adjustments to succeed.  Even if the information is bad news, a great leader looks at it as an opportunity to find a solution and make it better.  Do not take the facts personally, instead embrace the opportunity to turn the situation around.
  • The most common personality trait among successful leaders, is accountability.  They all take accountability for their actions.  This allows goals to be set and met consistently.  Make sure you take accountability seriously.
  • Always, always, always look for the positive in a situation.  A leader will always look for the positive and find a way to turn a negative around.  This may take some ingenuity or implementing new strategies, but success depends on the positivity of everyone.
  • Accepting defeat is very different than accepting failure.  A great leader will accept when a process fails, but will never accept defeat.  Accept that something failed, but then find a new solution and continue on.
  • Great leaders know how to motivate and inspire their teams.  They do this in a multitude of ways, including setting goals that are obtainable and rewardable, as well as, allowing everyone to participate in the idea phase of a project.
  • Predictability is an attribute most great leaders stay clear of, since it can stunt growth.  Consistency, however, is seen by a leader as an opportunity to focus on reaching the next level.  This allows a successful leader to think outside the box and implement new strategies.
  • A great leader will always know where a project stands.  In fact, they often will adjust timelines, or implement different solutions, to ensure a successful outcome.

Businesses that perform well and are consistently at the top of their industry, usually have a great leader within their organization.  If they are lucky, they have more than one!  If you want to live like a great leader, follow some of the tips above, and watch how the growth of success will expand for you and all around you. 

Copyright: dirkercken / 123RF Stock Photo

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