Saturday, August 29, 2015

Job Hunting Tips: Minimizing Desperation

Trust me, I get it. You’ve been laid off or fired and all you have left is that pep talk in your head that keeps you from staying in bed crying all day. I’ve been there. You make the phone call and someone picks up. Here’s your chance. Here’s your moment to tell this employer how wonderful you are inside your head.

Pause. Don’t do that.

You probably are wonderful. Lots of people are wonderful. However, wonderful people don’t need to tell you they are. Margaret Thatcher once said, “Power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are…you aren’t.” Same thing.

Keep this in mind before you make that next call. When someone picks up the phone, remember in your head how awesome you are. They are lucky to be talking to you (you think inside your head and not out loud).

You want to know how I can tell how long someone has been out of work? The longer the joblessness, the more words they try to fit in between “hello” and “how can I help you?” Instead of launching into your prepared speech—I know you have one—just take a breath. Telling an employer how wonderful you are before they’ve even seen your resume just screams desperate.

Job interviewing is a lot like dating: you want to like them, you want them to like you, you want the other person to pay your health insurance (kidding!) According to an eHarmony article, desperate daters are always available, meaning the hiring manager has no reason to follow up with you immediately. They can come back to you whenever they feel like it.

So go ahead. Give yourself that pep talk. Write it on your mirror every morning. Just don’t let it slide into your interviewing techniques. You’re interviewing the company just as much as the company is interviewing you. Both of you need to be happy for this to work.

Jessie Gable
Research Assistant

Global Recruiters of Huntsville
Office 256.533.1444 x200
Fax 256.418.4485

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