Friday, October 23, 2015

Why That Receptionist Is So Mean

Part of my daily duties—along with cyber-stalking potential candidates—includes answering the phones. I’m not a traditional “gatekeeper” since I spend most of the time researching people, but I still get where they’re coming from.

We hear a lot about how gatekeepers are mean. We’re tired, not mean. On a daily basis there are 3-4 calls from people whom I cannot understand. They get frustrated with me, I get frustrated with them. Another 5 or so calls come from people who act like you are inhuman—nothing more than a recording instead of someone trying to get their call to the right person. I get at least two calls from people who are just trying to get employment, one who is trying to rent a house that has our number on the front of it (we have NO idea why) and one trying to buy aluminum siding because that company had our number in the past. Throw in 15 hang ups, 2 wrong numbers, 1 person who is already mad at the person who called them (not you) and you’ve got a pretty rough day phone-wise.

Then, as I would like to keep my job, I have instructions from my boss. Those are a priority. I’m sorry if we’re not doing what you want, but we’re following his or her rules.

You know what is the best thing ever? Taking the time to ask our name. After being pooped on all day, someone who actually cares is such a big change that I’ll move heaven and Earth to get them to the right person.

So the next time you get stuck with a gatekeeper, take a step back and remember that they’re just trying to do their job. We want your phone call to go to the right person as much as you do. If we keep sending calls to the wrong people, it looks bad on us, so just take a minute to explain what you need so we can help.

BTW; Our boss is interested in knowing how you treat us.  We’re not just a “gatekeeper” we are people too.

Jessie Gable
Research Assistant
Global Recruiters of Huntsville
Office 256.533.1444 x200
Fax 256.418.4485

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