Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Valuing Courage over Security

I once read an article about valuing courage over security.  I was struck by this article that most people, time after time, placed more value on security over just about everything in their lives.  In today’s world, you can hardly pick up a newspaper or watch and/or listen to a news show without the knowledge that we are highly focused on security first, security over freedom and everything else.

Think about the things in your life that you “put up with” because you at least have security in it; marriage, job, government, your community, the list goes on and on about how we sacrifice almost everything in the name of security.

I once lost a job (got fired, ok, there I said it).  The truth is that after I got over the initial shock, I was actually relieved.  Why?  Because I realized that I had spent the last several years trying to improve my rut in that job rather than getting out of the rut and finding something better.  Again why?  Because of the security of what I knew as opposed to the fear of what else was out there.

This taught me a valuable lesson.  Have the courage to step out from the security of what you have and look for other opportunities.

This does not only apply to your job but to everything in your life.  Taking an even broader look at this issue of courage over security, think about all the freedoms we are sacrificing in the name of security.  Not to get into a political discussion here, this is mostly about the personal things you control, but Benjamin Franklin once said; He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

As the article concluded; You must decide, once and for all, that it's more important for you to have the courage to do what you must to succeed, rather than to cling to the things that make you feel safe.  What will you do?

David (Mac) McElhaney, Managing Partner
Global Recruiters of Huntsville
102 Clinton Ave, West
Suite 201
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256-533-1444 Ext 201
Fax: 256-418-4485
Mobile: 407-341-4462

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