Monday, March 27, 2017

Making the Most of Your Job Search

Are you looking to improve your job search experience?  Making the most of your job search is something that every candidate strives for, but often cannot find.  It is stressful looking for the perfect job and many times, you will end up taking a subpar job because you get antsy or nervous. 

Below are some tips to help you through your job search experience: 

  • While it is important to be critical of yourself, don’t beat yourself up too much.  It is important to take an inventory of yourself and your skills, and make adjustments, that makes a good candidate.  However, if you find yourself constantly beating yourself up, you might want to take a step back.  This type of behavior is destructive to your job search and will prohibit you from being productive and finding the right job. 
  • Instead of randomly submitting and applying for jobs, make a plan.  Get off the roller coaster ride, and strategically plan how and what you will apply for.  This means reviewing your resume, researching the perfect industry to work in, researching companies, and more.  Target your search to the areas that will make you happy. 
  • Many job candidates feel like they are running against a clock.  Yes, you need to work, but at what expense?  Your self-imposed deadline will do more harm than good.  Accepting a position until “something better comes along,” is not the answer.  Look for the position that is best for you and your lifestyle. 
  • Be specific about what you want from your new position.  Do not generalize, but instead truly think about what is important.  Rank your items in order of most important to least important.  This will give you a good list to judge positions against.  If you have four items that are musts, do not settle for the position that only meets two of them. 

When you take the time to value yourself and what you want out of your job, you will have a better experience in your job search.  Finding the right job is more than about being happy at your job, it is about living the lifestyle that you want!  Don’t rush it. 

Copyright: msteigele / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, March 20, 2017

Benefits or Perks

It is important for all hiring managers to stay current with the latest trends job candidates and employees are looking for in relation to benefits and perks.  While in years past most candidates were looking for stable employers that offered great benefits, such as healthcare and vacation, today, that has shifted to wanting more perks offered by the company. 

Many businesses have added incentives and perks, such as massage chairs, relaxation rooms, and flexible schedules, here are a few of the most popular perks job candidates are searching for: 

  • In-house financial counseling – many employers have begun offering their employees perks related to finances.  So many employees need additional assistance in determining their best financial options.  Saving, retirement, college tuition, credit card debt, and buying a home, all have employees scrambling for the best options.  Offering this as a service or perk to your employees will benefit you in many ways. 
  • Work/life balance – since work/life balance is so important to candidates today, it is important that employers offer some perks related to obtaining this balance.  This may include offering weekends off, flexible working hours, working remotely, and more.  Find what will work for your company and offer these options to find and retain the best talent. 
  • Healthy lifestyle – another area that many job candidates care about is healthy living.  This may include providing the opportunity to exercise (by providing a gym space or gym membership), offering a healthy eating choice in vending machines or cafeterias, and providing relaxation areas where employees can take a break and unwind from the stresses of the day. 

There are many different types of perks and benefits you can offer to attract top talent, and retain the employees you have.  It is best to design your program around the culture of your company and give your employees things that will benefit them and they will use.  Take the time to talk to your current employees and see what is important to them.  You will find when you include these perks in your job postings, you will have candidates that are a good cultural fit apply. 

Copyright: niroworld / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Best Question to Ask in an Interview

You have probably sat and wondered what is the best question or questions to ask during your interview with a potential new employer.  Should you ask for more details about the job itself, should you ask about company culture, or about pay? 

The truth is, the best question to ask has nothing to do with the company, the job itself, or even the pay.  The best question you can ask at the end of your interview is about you.  While this is the most difficult question to ask, it will produce the best results.  Ask the interview if they feel you will be a match for the position, and if there is anything they did not like about you and your abilities.   

If you can get through the fear of asking this question, you will stand out from your competition.  Here are some benefits you will see from asking this question: 

  • When you ask the interviewer this question directly at the end of the interview, you show them you are interested in learning how to improve yourself and your abilities.  It shows you are interested in the position and the company.  It gives you a voice. 
  • When you ask this question, it will set you apart from other job candidates.  Most candidates are afraid to ask this question.  This will show the hiring manager you have faith in yourself and your abilities and will focus on the feedback given. 
  • When you ask this question, you will be viewed as confident and professional.  Most hiring managers are looking for team members that are active, not passive employees that will not contribute to the company’s goals and vision. 

While it may be difficult for you to ask this interview question, the rewards you will reap will be well worth it.  Try practicing the question on family members or friends.  Allow them to give you feedback, so you can practice your response.  Use it at your next interview and discover a different outcome. 

Copyright: racorn / 123RF Stock Photo

Monday, March 6, 2017

Finding the Right Candidates

Hiring managers are constantly looking for new ways to find the right candidates.  Whether it is trying a new posting technique or place to post your job ads, or using social media, you are searching for the perfect candidate for the job.  What if finding the right candidates was as easy as understanding the type of person you want to hire?   

Understanding the type of candidate you want for the job, will help you in targeting that specific type of candidate.  This will eliminate a lot of wasted time, and allow you to maximize your candidate pool.  Here are a few ways you can improve your outcome and attract the right candidates: 

  • Research – it is important that you understand the exact type of candidate you want to hire for your position.  Think about the types of people that will apply for your position – do you want someone that is active in the industry?  Do a little research to determine the type of person you want for the position and use that information to create your marketing plan. 
  • Define – once you have done your research and understand exactly the type of person you want for your position, you can then define the candidate and the role for the position.  Make a list of the qualities, traits, and skills you want from your ideal candidate.  You can also make a list of the qualifications and experience you prefer.   
  • Market – now that you have a list of the qualities of the perfect candidate, you can craft your marketing plan.  This may include the job ad, job description, social media posts, and more.  Craft your marketing to highlight the exact qualities you are searching for.  You may even wish to use some targeting marketing, such as reaching out to specific groups, colleges, or placing specialized marketing on your website. 

Finding the right candidate may take a different approach, than you are used to.  If you want to attract top talent, it is important that you look at your different options, and consider implementing some of the tips above. 

Copyright: edhar / 123RF Stock Photo